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From Vim to Spacemacs...?

·4 mins

A few days ago I decided to try out Spacemacs, an Emacs Kit designed around Evil Mode (vi simulation in Emacs) and a Leader key (Space, hence Spacemacs). The Spacemacs tagline says “the best editor is neither Emacs nor Vim, it’s Emacs and Vim!”: let’s see how it feels!

What I want from my editor #

  • vi motions :)
  • git integration
  • customization
  • file navigation and manipulation
  • seamless navigation between the editor’s splits and tmux panes
  • editing of lisp s-expressions

What I got with Spacemacs #

First of all, a great documentation! In general, a tool already packed with a number of nice-to-have features and a consistent set of keybindings (more about this below).

First impressions #

“Oh god, it’s so slow!”

I soon got through that stage by having a Emacs server running in the background (emacs --daemon) and connecting to it with emacsclient .!

A note about keybindings #

All keybindings are organized around <Space> followed by a sequence of keys and they are grouped by functionality, so (for example) all git related keybindings are prefixed by <Space> g. This makes it much easier to remember them, and gives a very consistent experience! If you don’t remember a specific binding but you still remember its prefix, you can type the prefix and wait, a popup will show you all the defined keybindings… Also, <Space> ? will bring up a popup which allows you to search through all the keybindings.

Vi motions #

Spacemacs is built around Evil Mode, an amazing simulation layer which gives all the vi motions I can think of. One small (intended) difference between standard vi motions and Spacemacs is in how s behaves in visual mode: it has been in fact remapped to some sort of vim-surround functionality… Here’s an example: say we have the word hello and we select it (ve), then we press s… Nothing happens because Spacemacs is still waiting for an input. If we now type " we get "hello". I’m still getting used to this but I like to have this easy way to surround a selection! Also, the original functionality is still available by using c.

Update: Unlike previously stated in this post, it is actually possible (and very easy) to use jk as the escape sequence but there was a mistake in my configuration. As suggested by @spacemacs (thank you, this tip made my day!), it can be set by adding the following expression to dotspacemacs/init

(setq evil-escape-key-sequence "jk")

Git integration #

The git configuration layer provides a nice git integration (although git gutter is a bit buggy). Tip: time machine (<Space> g t) allows you to browse through the current file’s git history!

Customization #

Out of the box, Spacemacs already provides some nice-to-haves (find file in project, surround words, easy motion): in addition, there are many configuration layers to choose from, so most of the times one line in .spacemacs is enough!… and of course, there’s elisp!

File navigation #

Integration with projectile is packed under the prefix <Space> p, which provides features well known to CtrlP users like myself: for example, <Space> p f brings up a popup which lets your search a file everywhere in the project (projects are defined implicitly: the root is the directory which contains a .git repository) whereas <Space> p e brings up a list of recently opened files.

Seamless navigation between emacs and tmux #

It’s as easy as adding one line to .spacemacs (the tmux configuration layer) and define the keybindings in tmux.conf. Done! The keybindings are available here: evil-tmux-navigator.

Editing of lisp s-expressions #

I’m not a lisp ninja but I like to write some clojure code every now and then, and I grew used to paredit.vim, which happens to be a porting of Emacs own paredit to vim… Spacemacs uses evil-lisp-state to provide the same functionality, available under the prefix <Space> k.

Conclusions (for now) #

So far I’m pretty happy about Spacemacs, also considering that setting it up to have a configuration very close to my vim’s took me just a couple of hours (mostly spent reading the documentation). This gave me enough motivation to try and make the switch: since yesterday, vim is aliased to emacsclient in my shell… Let’s see how this goes!